Carpodetus serratus Marbleleaf | Putaputawētā

This guide is based on a literature review. It compiles information from various sources. Different sources may offer varying advice and findings.

Other known names

Piripiriwhata, kaiwētā, punawētā.

Propagation summary

Good seed viability. Variations found with sowing to germination time frame. Can be grown from cuttings.

Seed propagation category


Geographical distribution

Found widespread within lowland forests to montane forests (forests on the slopes of mountains).(1)

Seed collection

Seed matures between February–May.(2) Fruit are capsule-like.(1)

Seed storage

Seeds store well.(2)

Seed dormancy

68 days to first germination.(1) Germination can take up to 2 months.(2)

Pre-sowing treatments

Seeds did not germinate when pericarp (fruit) was left around the seeds. Pericarps need to be removed and seeds washed.(1)

Seed viability

88% of seeds are viable.(1)


Germination rate between 23–57% reported, using seeds from 7 fruiting plants.(3)

Propagation techniques

Germination rate was lower in the dark or in soil.(1) Semi-hardwood cuttings should be taken in March or April and need hormone treatment (growth stimulator).(2)

Susceptibility to disease and pests

Parasitic oomycetes (Pythium sp).(2)

Research opportunities

Germination, seed storage, and vegetative propagation need further investigation.

Information about the native seed profiles

All species names are in the following order: scientific name, common name, and Māori name. Names may vary by region. We have tried to use the most common names across New Zealand.

We have sourced photos from different websites and creators. We have used the images under different licences. These include Public Domain and Creative Commons licenses. For Carpodetus serratus, the image details are:

The basis for each seed profile is a literature review carried out by Scion. Te Uru Rākau – New Zealand Forest Service commissioned and worked on the review to produce a native seed catalogue. The full seed catalogue is on the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) website.



Burrows, C J (1996) Germination behaviour of the seeds of seven New Zealand woody plant species. New Zealand Journal of Botany 34(3), 355–367.


Metcalf, L J (1995) The propagation of New Zealand native plants. Godwit; Auckland, New Zealand.


Shore, B F (1978) Breeding system in Carpodetus serratus J.R. et G Forst. New Zealand Journal of Botany 16, 179–184.