Data and research
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Displaying 13 - 24 of 24
report | Research
What value do forests provide? And how much does it cost to establish a forest?
report | Research
The wider benefits of planted forests and the value of the ecosystem services they provide.
report | Research
A report about what is known about transitioning exotic plantations to native forest.
report | Data
Regional and national wood availability forecasts for 2021 to 2060.
report | Data
Net returns of harvesting with survey data including an interactive table.
report | Data
Brochure published yearly with background information and statistical data on our forest industry.
table | Data
Historic indicative radiata pine prices since 1992.
table | Data
Indicative radiata pine prices and weighted average for the June 2022 quarter.
report | Data
NEFD report and tables to investigate wood processing opportunities.
graph | Data
Interactive graph showing age class distribution by region.
report | Research
Scion has conducted and completed research using drones to detect tree stems and take measurements.
table | Data
NEFD yield tables to produce wood availability forecasts.