The NZU market

The New Zealand Unit (NZUs or units) market is where you can buy, sell, and transfer NZUs. These are sometimes called "carbon credits", "carbon units" or "emission units".

The NZETR and the domestic market for carbon

Anyone with an account in the New Zealand Emissions Trading Register (NZETR) can buy, sell, and transfer carbon credits called New Zealand Units (NZUs or units). The NZETR is managed by the Environmental Protection Authority. Units can also be traded on trading platforms.

In the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), parties that emit greenhouse gases pay units to the government. If you have forest land registered in the ETS, you can earn units for the carbon that your forest land stores. You can sell these units on the market. However, you will need to pay units back if you deforest the land or leave the ETS.

The supply of units in the market is limited and will drop over time in line with New Zealand’s emissions reduction targets. The price of units changes with supply and demand.