Metrosideros excelsa Pohutukawa | Pōhutukawa

This guide is based on a literature review. It compiles information from various sources. Different sources may offer varying advice and findings.

Other known names

New Zealand Christmas tree, hutukawa, kaihika.

Propagation summary

Relatively good viability. Inconsistent germination rate. Can be grown by grafting or cuttings.

Seed propagation category


Geographical distribution

A coastal species mainly found in the warmer climate of the North Island.(1)

Seed collection

Seeds mature between March–April. Collection begins when most of the capsules on lower branches are open or partially open.(2) Mature seed capsules have a mixture of filled and unfilled seeds.(3) Seeds are dispersed by wind.(1)

Seed storage

Long-term storage should be avoided. Storage at room temperature rapidly decreases germination rate.(3) Viability can be prolonged by using airtight containers under refrigeration.(2) 90% germination rate reported after a year of storage at 1°C.(3)

Seed dormancy

Rapid germination.(1) First germination happens within 10 days.(4)

Seed viability

Filled seeds (fully developed seeds with a complete embryo and endosperm) have a 100% viability rate.(3)


Germination rate is 44%.(5) Filled seeds have a 100% germination rate.(3)

Propagation techniques

Can be grown by side grafting.(6) Cuttings have low strike rate (success rate of cuttings that develop roots) and can take 9 months or more to develop roots.(6)

Site sensitivity

Grows well in volcanic soil.(1)

Susceptibility to disease and pests

Myrtle rust (Austropuccinia psidii).

Research opportunities

Germination, seed storage, and vegetative propagation need further investigation.

Information about the native seed profiles

All species names are in the following order: scientific name, common name, and Māori name. Names may vary by region. We have tried to use the most common names across New Zealand.

We have sourced photos from different websites and creators. We have used the images under different licences. These include Public Domain and Creative Commons licenses. For Metrosideros excelsa, the image details are:

The basis for each seed profile is a literature review carried out by Scion. Te Uru Rākau – New Zealand Forest Service commissioned and worked on the review to produce a native seed catalogue. The full seed catalogue is on the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) website.



Bylsma, R. J; Clarkson, B D; Efford, J T (2014) Biological flora of New Zealand 14: Metrosideros excelsa, pohutukawa, New Zealand Christmas tree. New Zealand Journal of Botany 52(1), 1–16.


Bergin, D; Hosking, G (2006) Pohutukawa: Ecology, Establishment, Growth and Management. New Zealand Indigenous Tree Bulletin Series No. 4. Scion; Rotorua New Zealand.


Schmidt-Adam, G; Gould, K S; Murray, B G (2002) Seed biology of Metrosideros excelsa (Myrtaceae). New Zealand Journal of Botany 40(3), 419–425.


Burrows, C J (2000) Germination behaviour of the seeds of six species of Metrosideros (Myrtaceae). Rebus Publications; Christchurch, New Zealand.


Schmidt-Adam, G; Young, A G; Murray, B G (2000) Low outcrossing rates and shift in pollinators in New Zealand pohutukawa (Metrosideros excelsa; Myrtaceae). American Journal of Botany 87(8), 1265–1271.


Metcalf, L J (1995) The propagation of New Zealand native plants. Godwit; Auckland, New Zealand.