Syzygium maire Swamp maire | Maire tawake
This guide is based on a literature review. It compiles information from various sources. Different sources may offer varying advice and findings.
Good seed viability and germination. Variability in seed quality and germination rates reported with long-term storage. Can be grown from cuttings.
Located in the more temperate regions of New Zealand in coastal or lowland riparian forests.(1)
Seeds mature between March–July.(2)
12 to 14 days to first germination.(4)
Myrtle rust (Austropuccinia psidii).(4)
Seed storage and vegetative propagation need further investigation.
Information about the native seed profiles
All species names are in the following order: scientific name, common name, and Māori name. Names may vary by region. We have tried to use the most common names across New Zealand.
We have sourced photos from different websites and creators. We have used the images under different licences. These include Public Domain and Creative Commons licenses. For Syzygium maire, the image details are:
Photo by (c) Tim Park – some rights reserved (CC BY-SA)
- Original image
The basis for each seed profile is a literature review carried out by Scion. Te Uru Rākau – New Zealand Forest Service commissioned and worked on the review to produce a native seed catalogue. The full seed catalogue is on the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) website.
Van der Walt, K; Nadarajan, J; Mathew, L; Bettoni, J C; Souza, J A (2023) Advances in cryopreservation of Syzygium maire (swamp maire, maire tawake) zygotic embryos, a critically endangered tree species endemic to New Zealand. Frontiers in Conservation Science 4, 1–14.
Metcalf, L J (1995) The propagation of New Zealand native plants. Godwit; Auckland, New Zealand.
Nadarajan, J; van der Walt, K; Lehnebach, C.A; Saeiahagh, H; Pathirana, R (2021) Integrated ex situ conservation strategies for endangered New Zealand Myrtaceae species. New Zealand Journal of Botany 59(1), 72–89.
Bettoni, J C; Van der Walt, K; Souza, J A; McLachlan, A; Nadarajan, J (2024) Seed development, germination, and storage behaviour of Syzygium maire (Myrtaceae), a threatened endemic New Zealand tree. New Zealand Journal of Botany 62(1), 35–52.
Bettoni, J C; van der Walt, K; Souza, J A; McLachlan, A; Nadarajan, J (2023) Sexual and asexual propagation of Syzygium maire, a critically endangered Myrtaceae species of New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 62(1), 35–52.