Let us know about an event

Send us the details about your forestry event and we’ll add it to our events page.

Information you send us will only be used to list your event on our site, or to contact you about the event. Read our Privacy and security policyLink opens in new tab.

To remove your event from our website or update any details email us at canopy@mpi.govt.nz


Event title and type

Add your title and choose at least one event type.
Event type *
Please select at least one event type from the options above


Information about the location of the event including whether it's in-person, online or both.
Where will it be held?
e.g. TSB Stadium, New Plymouth
e.g. 1 Rogan Street, Welbourne, New Plymouth


Tell people about the event.


Use 'Date from' only for single date events.


Free or a paid event


The image will be displayed as a thumbnail and on the event information page.

You must upload an image or select one from our gallery.
Upload your own
Don't have an image?

Image requirements

  • Max image size 5 MB
  • File type must be a .JPG file
  • Min width should be 800px (landscape proportion)
  • If supplying a logo, make sure it's on a solid background colour
Choose an event image

Event contact

What contact details should we publish? This information will show on the event page.

You must provide either an email, phone or website address. This can be business information so people can learn more about the event or individual contact details.
Please enter at least one of phone number, email or website address.

Who's filling in this form?

We'll only use this information to contact you about publishing your event on Canopy.

Once you've submitted your event, it will be sent to the administrator for approval.
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